Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wizard World - Day -24

What is it like to attend a large Comic Con convention?  Not as a fan, but as one of the many artists in "Artist Alley"?  Well, here we go with my series on everything leading up to the event.  Some background first.

This is the second Wizard World convention I will be attending.  The goal at this convention, beyond having a great time, is to "be seen".  My expectations are not to sell many books, but see those business cards get passed out.  Why such seemingly low goals?  Simple.  This is not a literary event - most folks are interested in Comics, Guests, and related merchandise...oh, and related artists.  A SF writer is going to be near to dead last on the list.  These were the lessons from last year.  Sold few books, but gave out LOTS of business cards.

So what did I do to prepare for the last one?  Well, I upped my game for starts.  A full banner showcasing my Dancer Series.  An iPad showing a video of the same said series.  A new stand from which I could showcase both the iPad and the books at the same time.  Finally, when I started noticing that my wife was getting more eye contact once she put on her steam punk outfit, I went out and got my own clothes from a vendor.  Immediate change in that folks considered me more approachable.

Getting Prepared For This Year - Early Bird Gets The Table

As with all conventions, you have to start early.  I sent my first email out in January, 2013 to establish contacts with the parent company regarding who would be involved this year.  I received the needed information, and preregistered myself and the wife for a table in February.  Adding in extra discounted tickets for the two kids, I paid out $350.00.  No, a comic-con event is not cheap.  In the case of Austin's Wizard World, these prices were reasonable when you look at the larger events around the country.  Received my receipt by the end of the month.  I'm paid and registered. 

Two months later, after a couple more conventions, I top off my paperback book orders and have more than enough new business cards for the distant event.  All is well.  Time to forget things for awhile.

Waking Up From Hibernation - October Has Arrived 

It is now just under four weeks until the convention.   My first task is to re-affirm my status with the event managers.  Things are a bit worrisome as I haven't received any emails concerning either my tentative table location or any promo media for my site.  Two emails head out requesting status - one to my former contact at the Comic-Con headquarters and another to a new email address provided on the site for those interested in Artist Alley.  I dig up the official payment receipt - just to be sure.  Plan A will be to wait for a reply.  Plan B is to show up with receipt in hand on opening day - not the best idea but table assignments are VERY fluid on opening day.  Informed my workplace I would be taking the 26th off.  It is October 2nd, and I am warming up for the main event. 

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